
Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Tonight Show Band: Sax Alley

(3:29) The audio life's not all cutting and chopping and being a smartass.  Sometimes it's patching up a little treasure that needs only some TLC.

"Sax Alley", the Tonight Show Band tune-- a wild amazing track.  When they were getting ready to go on tour with it, the band graced viewers of The Tonight Show with a beautiful, swinging run-through that's since been posted to YouTube.

Complete with glitches.  A citizens-band radio interrupts it at one point, TV interference and generally lower grade mono sound, circa 1983.  Being, of course, a lover of the Audio, I put Audacity on it: replacing what I had to, compressing, EQing, tweaking, pinching, burping...

If you dig jazz, give it a listen.  Featuring Pete Christlieb and Ernie Watts.  The mid-range is still a little ringy, but what the heck.

Sax Alley

Here's the link to the video on YouTube.